During these challenging times we are pleased to launch our first issue of DESPATCH, the ACPME online newsletter providing up-to-date news on ACPME activities from its members.

While some of you are still furloughed and others are returning to work staying in touch is more important than ever. The #ACPMEfamily has been supporting each other, through virtual meetings and  the members’ email forum, strengthening links across institutions throughout the regions.

We want to build on these foundations so if there are things you’d like to see included or would like to be featured, please let us know.


Scroll through gallery to see examples from the University of Leicester, the University of Brighton, the University of Warwick, Loughborough Univerity and Cardiff Metropolitan University

Social distancing signage

During the Covid-19 pandemic many of your teams have been producing and installing large format graphics and screens for their institutions. In addition, some have been producing signage to help their local communities.

This gallery contains a few examples that you’ve sent in – from floor graphics, to signs and perspex screens.

So frequent is the demand for social distancing graphics that several members have set-up  categories within their online storefronts. See the University of Warwick’s here.



There’s never been a more important time to stay in touch

Let’s face it, life isn’t remotely the same as it was at the start of 2020 for any of us. Neither is it ‘business as usual’ for our customers nor our suppliers.

The challenges we face across all of our services are complicated and challenging. Through  knowledge-sharing and regular contact, the ACPME can offer practical advice and support.

Don’t go it alone. We’re stronger together.

Photography and videography meetings

ACPME photographers and videographers have been meeting fortnightly on Wednesdays from 11:00–12:30.  Stephen McCann has been chairing these discussions inviting guests from the BIPP and relevant suppliers – including some that have offered extended free trials of equipment.

If you’d like to be added to the MS Teams invitation, send Stephen an email Stephen.McCann@glasgow.ac.uk


Managers’ only meetings

Difficult times mean difficult decisions. There’s a time for open forums, that include all staff, and a time for peer-to-peer discussions under ‘Chatham House’ rules.

If you’d like to talk ‘returns to work’ and ‘management strategy’, Lorna Mckanna-Maulkin will be chairing MS Teams discussions. If you’d like an invitation, email Lorna l.mckanna-maulkin@brighton.ac.uk


Creatives’ meetings

Ideas are so often sparked over a coffee and tips arise from discussion. Martin Parker has offered to chair discussions for our design community.

If you’d like to added to the MS Teams invitation, send Martin an email m.parker@rgu.ac.uk

Web-to-print meetings

Skyline users continue to meet online to discuss best practice and product develop. Lorna Mckanna-Maulkin has been chairing these discussions inviting Chris and his team from ePrint.

If you’d like to be added to the Skyline MS Teams meetings, email Lorna l.mckanna-maulkin@brighton.ac.uk

Members with Digital Store Front web-to-print have recently been sharing invaluable knowledge on the email forum to save each other time and effort. There’s no point in inventing the wheel twice! Mark Udall has offered to chair an online DSF special interest group.

If you’d like to added to the MS Teams invitation, email Mark m.udall@warwick.ac.uk


Scottish members’ meetings

Members North of Hadrian’s Wall have been having regular regional chats throughout lockdown. Martin Parker chairs these discussions.

If you’d like to be added to the MS Teams invitation, send Martin an email m.parker@rgu.ac.uk

Regional champions

How well do you know your region? Well? Or not well enough?

We are looking for Regional champions to host semi regular regional virtual meetings as we continue to deal with COVID 19 and what it means for our work places and institutions.

Could you be a regional champion and host a meeting for your region? If so, email Darren at comms@acpme.ac.uk to help set you up.


This gallery shows a handful of the tweets we’ve liked or retweeted recently

ACPME social media 

We want to help get your messages out and to share interesting posts with you. Follow us on all of our channels and engage with our posts.

There are updates about ACPME events, news from our suppliers, industry facts and figures, online and trade events, training webinars and tips, plus your posts.

We’d love to tell the world what you do and how well you do it.

Follow us on:




At a time when many of our staff have been furloughed, we thought it would be nice to celebrate some of our more unsung heroes. We know how pivotal and valued they are to our services. We want to recognise as many of them as possible and to hear their voices.

It’s currently hard to get pictures of staff in their usual working environment, but if you’d like to nominate one of your heroes please get in touch with comms@acpme.ac.uk

As well as appearing in Despatch, we’ll send you a high resolution PDF to print and display when back at base.


ACPME Creative and Print Awards: Revised date for entries: Tuesday 1 September 2020

The ACPME Creative & Print Awards are an excellent opportunity for you to promote the work of your team, showcase your creativity, your best printed work, any innovations you have implemented and to tell us just how amazing your service and team are.


ACPMEConf20: Sunday 1 – Wednesday 4 November 2020

Given the uncertain nature of the next few months, and in order to protect our members, suppliers and families we made a decision to postpone the conference until Sunday 1 Nov – Wednesday 4 Nov 2020.

This conference will still be held at Belton Woods and we will be working, where possible, with the same agenda.



This year’s AGM will be held as a virtual meeting via MS Teams at 9.30am on Wednesday 19th August 2020. AGM Notice will be circulated in due course.


Find out more

To discuss membership, sponsorship opportunities or annual conference please contact 
Jennie Mort, ACPME Administrator: 01527 893675 | admin@acpme.ac.uk
Contact address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB

Or feel free to contact members of our Board
Details here

The Association of Creative and Print Managers in Education, a not for profit private company, limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No. 10244428. Registered address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB