Annual conference timeline

Theme: Collaborate. Communicate. Create.

2024 Vale Resort, Cardiff

Board Chair Michelle Barraclough, Treasurer Alan Stacey, Secretary Richard Ashdown, Vice-Chair Ollie Renshaw. Officers: Helen Clarke, Stephen McCann, Avril McSorley, Martin Parker, Steve Thomas


Theme: Delivering Excellence, Adding Value

2023 Chesford Grange, Warwickshire

Board Chair Stephen McCann, Treasurer Ian Hickman, Secretary Richard Ashdown, Officers: Michelle Barraclough, Alan Stacey, Ollie Renshaw, Martin Parker, Jon Shears


Theme: Stronger Together: Energising the #ACPMEfamily in-person

2022 Belton Woods, Lincolnshire

Board Chair Stephen McCann, Treasurer Ian Hickman, Secretary Richard Ashdown, Officers: Justin Gough, David Aitken, Martin Parker, Jon Shears

Theme: Shaping the New Normal: Adapt & Flourish

2021 Virtual Event (COVID-19)

Board Acting-chair Stephen McCann, Treasurer Ian Hickman, Secretary Richard Ashdown, Officers: Justin Gough, David Aitken, Martin Parker, Jon Shears


Theme: Creative Climates

2020 Virtual Event (COVID-19)

Board Chair Alison Freer, Vice-Chair Stephen McCann, Treasurer Ian Hickman, Secretary Lorna McKanna-Maulkin, Officers: Justin Gough, David Aitken, Richard Ashdown, Martin Parker, Carl Calvert


Theme: BluePrints for Creativity

2019 Carden Park, Cheshire

Board Chair Simon Hampton-Matthews, Vice-Chair Janine Barraclough, Treasurer Steve Redding, Secretary Alison Freer, Officers: Justin Gough, Ian Hickman, Stephen McCann, Lorna McKanna-Maulkin, Martin Parker, Ian Wilcox


Theme: Fit for the future

2018 Dunston Hall, Norwich

Board Chair Simon Hampton-Matthews, Vice-Chair Janine Barraclough, Treasurer Steve Redding, Secretary Alison Freer, Officers: Justin Gough, Ian Hickman, Stephen McCann, Lorna McKanna-Maulkin, Martin Parker, Ian Wilcox


Theme: Creating the right impression

2017 The Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Glasgow

Executive Chair Simon Hampton-Matthews, Vice-Chair Janine Barraclough, Treasurer Steve Thomas, Secretary Alison Freer, Trustee Paul Bishop

Change from APME to ACPME
Association of Print Managers in Education renamed to Association of Creative and Print Managers in Education


Theme: Smart print in a digital world

2016 Imperial Hotel, Torquay

Executive Chair Simon Hampton-Matthews, Vice-Chair Janine Barraclough, Treasurer Steve Thomas, Secretary Alison Freer, Trustee Paul Bishop

Theme: A culture of change

2015 Shrigley Hall, Cheshire

Executive Chair Simon Hampton-Matthews, Vice-Chair Janine Barraclough, Treasurer Steve Thomas, Secretary Alison Freer, Trustee Paul Bishop


Theme: Prepared for the challenge. Inspired to evolve

2014 Cheltenham Park Hotel

Executive Chair Simon Hampton-Matthews, Vice-Chair Janine Barraclough, Treasurer Steve Thomas, Secretary Alison Freer, Trustee Paul Bishop


Theme: 20/20 Vision

2013 Majestic Hotel, Harrogate

Executive Chair Simon Hampton-Matthews, Vice-Chair Janine Barraclough, Treasurer Steve Thomas, Secretary Alison Freer, Trustee Paul Bishop


Theme: Going for Gold

2012 Vale Resort, Cardiff

Executive Chair Rebecca Hanlon, Vice-Chair Sarah Gibbon, Secretary Simon Hampton-Matthews, Treasurer Francis Reis, Trustee Paul Bishop


Theme: Rising to the Challenge

2011 Redworth Hall, County Durham

Executive Chair Rebecca Hanlon, Vice-Chair Sarah Gibbon, Secretary Simon Hampton-Matthews, Treasurer Margaret Angell, Trustee Steve Redding


Theme: Springboard to Success

2010 Imperial Hotel, Torquay

Executive Chair Rebecca Hanlon, Vice-Chair Bruce Wigley, Secretary, Simon Hampton-Matthews, Treasurer Margaret Angell, Trustee Steve Redding


Theme: Dealing with a Money Squeeze

2009 Marine Hotel, Troon

Executive Chair Rebecca Hanlon, Vice-Chair Sarah Gibbon, Treasurer Francis Reis, Secretary Simon Hampton-Matthews, Trustee Paul Bishop


Theme: New Horizons, New Opportunities

2008 Wessex Hotel, Bournemouth

Executive Chair Francis Reis, Vice-Chair Carl Schofield, Treasurer Bob Russell, Scottish Chair Andrew Scottand Trustee Roy Stares


Theme: Evolution and Diversification

2007 Shrigley Hall Hotel, Cheshire

Executive Chair Bruce Wrigley


Theme: Where do we go from here?

2006 Tewkesbury Park Hotel, Tewkesbury

Executive Chair Francis Reis, Vice-Chair Carl Schofield, Treasurer Bob Russell, Scottish Chair Andrew Scott and Trustee Roy Stares


2005 The Royal Hotel, Scarborough

Executive Chair Andrew Scott, Vice-Chair Carl Schofield, Treasurer Bob Russell, Scottish Chair Andrew Scott and Trustee Roy Stares


2004 Wessex Hotel, Bournemouth

Executive Chair Andrew Scott, Vice-Chair Carl Schofield, Treasurer Bob Russell, Scottish Chair Andrew Scott and Trustee Roy Stares


2003 Ardsley House Hotel, Barnsley

Executive Chair Francis Reis, Secretary Sarah Gibon, Treasurer Brian Pickles, Scottish Chair Andrew Scott and Denise Panatoni


2002 Heriot Watt University

Hosts Hosts: Andrew Scott and Duncan Hurst


2001 University of Plymouth

Host Francis Reis. Chair Therese Walker, Vice-Chair Francis Reis, Secretary Sarah Gibon, Treasurer Brian Pickles, Scottish Chair Andrew Scott and Denise Panatoni


2000 University of Bangor

Host Emrys Jones


Theme: Towards the Millennium

1999 University of Derby

Host Neville Wells.
First Executive Committee formed at conference Chair Terry Andrews


1997 University of Exeter

UPMG formed and first conference
Chair Graeme Bolsover, Treasurer Steve Wilson and Secretary Ian Hickman


Find out more

To discuss membership, sponsorship opportunities or annual conference please contact 
Jennie Mort, ACPME Administrator: 01527 893675 |
Contact address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB

Or feel free to contact members of our Board
Details here

The Association of Creative and Print Managers in Education, a not for profit private company, limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No. 10244428. Registered address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB