MS Teams meetings
While there’s nothing like face-to-face interaction, we’re having regular virtual meetings.
Photography and videography meetings
ACPME photographers and videographers have been meeting fortnightly on Wednesdays from 11:00–12:30. Stephen McCann has been chairing these discussions inviting guests from the BIPP and relevant suppliers – including some that have offered extended free trials of equipment.
If you’d like to be added to the MS Teams invitation, send Stephen an email
Managers’ only meetings
Difficult times mean difficult decisions. There’s a time for open forums, that include all staff, and a time for peer-to-peer discussions under ‘Chatham House’ rules.
If you’d like to talk ‘returns to work’ and ‘management strategy’, Lorna Mckanna-Maulkin will be chairing MS Teams discussions. If you’d like an invitation, email Lorna
Creatives’ meetings
Ideas are so often sparked over a coffee and tips arise from discussion. Martin Parker has offered to chair discussions for our design community.
If you’d like to added to the MS Teams invitation, send Martin an email
Web-to-print meetings
Skyline users continue to meet online to discuss best practice and product develop. Lorna Mckanna-Maulkin has been chairing these discussions inviting Chris and his team from ePrint.
If you’d like to be added to the Skyline MS Teams meetings, email Lorna
Members with Digital Store Front web-to-print have recently been sharing invaluable knowledge on the email forum to save each other time and effort. There’s no point in inventing the wheel twice! Mark Udall has offered to chair an online DSF special interest group.
If you’d like to added to the MS Teams invitation, email Mark
Scottish members’ meetings
Members North of Hadrian’s Wall have been having regular regional chats throughout lockdown. Martin Parker chairs these discussions.
If you’d like to be added to the MS Teams invitation, send Martin an email
A great turnout and many new faces
Developing your in-house creative design team
A great day at Loughborough University – Wednesday 6 November 2019
ACPME members recently enjoyed a great day at Loughborough University, exploring the following topics:
- Team dynamics – playing to strengths/complimenting skills/training
- Relationships and advocacy – with other teams/influencers/suppliers
- Campaigns and creative pitches – delivering presentations to rival agencies
- Evolving into digital design – designing for social media, digital screens and other
- Using technical innovation to enhance design and turn heads!
There were inspiring presentations, group discussions and opportunities to network with other graphic and digital designers.
Read more In ACPME Pages Issue 10.
See a selection of photographs from the event here.
Many thanks to Konica Minolta for their generous sponsorship.
Web-to-Print and networking goes down a storm in Glasgow
Skyline Web-to-Print
Engagement and productive Skyline discussion at The University of Glasgow – 24 October 2019
Following on from the University of Brighton’s and University of Bristol’s successful Skyline (from ePrint) user days, ACPME members gathered with Raymond and his team to talk further product development and web submission.
Read more about the day in Pages 10.
Give hosting a go
ACPME meetings a great way to hear what others are doing and to network with like-minded members facing similar challenges.
You just need to be prepared to table a discussion or present briefly. It will showcase your University and get you known to the group. Some costs may be covered by ACPME.
If you have an idea for a SIG meeting and/or would like to host an event please email Alison:
Find out more
To discuss membership, sponsorship opportunities or annual conference please contact
Jennie Mort, ACPME Administrator: 01527 893675 |
Contact address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB
Or feel free to contact members of our Board
Details here
The Association of Creative and Print Managers in Education, a not for profit private company, limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No. 10244428. Registered address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB