Lockdown Legends #2 and #3:
Awards nominations for ‘Best team member who went above during Covid-19’
Sheryl Mather – University of Sheffield
‘From all of us at Print and Design Solutions, thank you Sheryl.’
In early May, Print and Design Solutions management team recognised the need to support the University’s return to campus by providing a range of social distancing signage.
Despite a huge workload already, managing a design studio with two key members of staff on furlough, Sheryl quickly jumped at the opportunity to work on this. Within just 2 days she had designed a complete suite of bespoke social distancing signage consisting of over 40 printed products including posters, wall and floor vinyls, roll ups and PVC banners.
Sheryl spent a lot of time considering the style of the signage, ensuring that it was designed in a way which was noticeable, clear and friendly to our students and staff. She referenced the Government issued working-safely-during-covid-19 document, using similar colours and guidance so that our signage was already recognisable to our audience. She drew bespoke illustrations of students to convey the diversity in our University community, and she continually reviewed the designs over the weeks and months, quickly adapting to changes in government guidance around face coverings and measurements of social distances, and adding new products to react to the University’s needs.
Over the last 7 months Sheryl has worked tirelessly on this project, the signage has received an enormous amount of praise from colleagues across the University, commending our work and enhancing the reputation of the Print and Design unit, elevating our position as a fundamental service to the University.
Rolling the signage out across the University was a team effort, but it was Sheryl who was the key team member, integral to the success of the project. Her swift action in developing the signage meant that we were ahead of the curve and University plans could be implemented quickly to open key Covid-19 research labs and services to our students. Her thorough consideration of the style of the signage meant that it was clear and effective, and kept our staff and students safe whilst on campus.
Without Sheryl’s continued hard work and dedication to this project the University wouldn’t have been able to return as quickly and as safely as it did. Her work has also brought a vital income stream into Print and Design Solutions, which helped keep us afloat in financially very uncertain times.
From all of us at Print and Design Solutions, thank you Sheryl.
Peter Davey – University of South Wales
‘Keep going Mr Davey! You’re doing great Boyo.’
We are nominating Peter Davey, for his excellent contribution during COVID-19.
Some team members were furloughed during this time and Peter made it his priority to ensure their prompt return, by tendering and acquiring the challenging task of making the University COVID-19 compliant for a safe return.
Peter approached the Director of USW Estates, with a positive attitude and knowing what a huge challenge the USW social distancing signage project would be for our small team. Peter assured him that we could complete proficiently and urgently, and that we were fully committed to keeping USW safe.
Peter was instrumental and central in managing the project, working with the design team virtually on concepts, collaborating with Estates and pursing approval for quantities/ floor plans. Peter checked stock levels and worked into the evening to print materials to ensure the team were fully prepared to apply by day.
With only one suitable large format printer available for this task, time was limited. Peter received high praise and positive feedback for himself and the team, from directorate and senior management, raising our profile within USW and demonstrating our dedication and efficiency. We were proud to keep USW safe and we think Mr Davey did a great job!
Peter also sourced suitable transparent material for the engineering department, for the creation at USW of specialist PPE for health key workers, and received a personal thank you from Dr Leshan Uggalla who led the project.
Due to our signage project accomplishment, we secured funding for an additional large format printer – excellent news!
Susanne Smith, Head of Customer Service, said to the team on Peter’s nomination, “I personally know how much effort Pete has made to ensure your voices have been heard, your efforts recognised and that your wellbeing is a priority throughout these difficult times. I know he wouldn’t want the praise as he firmly believes that it’s all down to you guys and whilst it is in many respects, I am absolutely certain that you guys couldn’t have a better more committed manager to have got you through it”.
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The Association of Creative and Print Managers in Education, a not for profit private company, limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No. 10244428. Registered address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB