The ACPME Awards are an opportunity to raise the profile of your creative and print service
A celebration of in-house excellence
The ACPME Creative & Print Awards are an excellent opportunity for you to promote the work of your team, showcase your creativity, your best printed work, any innovations you have implemented and to tell us just how amazing your service and team are.
The awards will not only recognise your team’s achievements but will help to raise the profile of your service within your institution.
Each category has Winner and Highly-Commended places.
The ACPME Awards are presented at our Annual Conference and photos of winners and their work will appear in a commemorative issue our printed magazine ‘Pages’ .
The awards submission timescale will cover the period from January 2022 – April 2023
Entries now closed. Good luck to all entrants.
The 7 categories
Service of the Year
Best In-House Design
Best In-House Photography
Best In-House Printed Product
Best In-House Wide Format
Best In-House Online Production
NEW FOR 2023 Best In-House Sustainability
Awards dinner and presentation Tuesday 6 June 2023
New to the Awards?
If you have not entered the ACPME Creative and Print Awards before, then please give them a go. There are categories designed to recognise the achievements and successes of all our members.
Remember not to leave it until the last minute. Keep any work you’ve done since the last conference in mind , and think about how any new projects could be ‘award winning’ entries for the future.
Find out more
To discuss membership, sponsorship opportunities or annual conference please contact
Jennie Mort, ACPME Administrator: 01527 893675 |
Contact address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB
Or feel free to contact members of our Board
Details here
The Association of Creative and Print Managers in Education, a not for profit private company, limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No. 10244428. Registered address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB