Tuesday 25 May 2021, 2.00pm–5.00pm

We are delighted you have joined this afternoon’s ACPME Special Interest Group meeting. To watch the main session please click on the window below. Please use the chat bar to ask any questions throughout the meeting, these will be monitored and answered appropriately.
We’ll let you know when it’s time to switch to Zoom. Use the button below to join the Zoom Discussion, we request that you turn your camera and microphone off (this will make transitions easier).
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Scroll down for a reminder of today’s programme.
We hope you have a fantastic afternoon.
Please click the three little dots and 'Pop out' to use the chat function.
Today’s programme
Introduction and Welcome – Justin Gough
Introducing member’s units
Birmingham City University, Nottingham Trent University, Cardiff Met University
Discussion – New opportunities with existing kit
Round table discussion covering new products – services / scanning / large format
‘Go Big! or Go Home!’
Chris Myers Arizona State University brings us exciting large format experiences from the States
Marketing your services
Using social media and marketing your services
Presentation by University of South Wales
Discussion -– Generating new business
Online store fronts / marketing services / delivery / social media / external website / external opportunities
Closing and any questions