Welcome to March edition of DESPATCH
Who would have thought when watching Boris a year ago telling us we all needed to stay at home, that a year on we would only just be emerging from Lockdown – with our fingers-crossed for the future?
Despite the restrictions, the ACPME Board have been able to meet virtually on a regular basis, and building on the success of the virtual conference in December, are planning an exciting programme of online events throughout 2021.
To keep up to date with what’s planned keep an eye on the Events Listing page on our website and don’t forget to keep checking what exciting and informative events are planned.
And to keep in touch with the Board and your fellow members follow us on Twitter Facebook and LinkedIn and share what you like; this helps us to decide what content you’d like to see more of. We will also update you via our social media channels.
Every member’s attendance at our online events programme throughout 2021 is crucial to ACPME’s success, as we need our sponsors’ support to thrive. Whilst you’ll benefit from updating your personal knowledge of our suppliers latest products and services, networking with colleagues and increasing your CPD, you’ll also be helping to guarantee ACPME’s future, continuing to benefit all members. Please encourage all of your staff to join in as much as possible.
Stay safe, engage with what we have in the pipeline and keep up the amazing work.
The ACPME Board

The first event is ACUP+ Virtual Conference 13–15 April. 

If you’ve ever wondered what our colleagues across The Pond get up to at conference, this could be your year to find out – without the jet lag.

By special arrangement ACPME members have been granted free access. The board negotiated this on your behalf – it might be a one-off so save the dates and make sure of your attendance at one of the biggest and best conferences in the sector.

To register, please email: candie.goode@acup-edu.org

Supply your full name as on an email signature and Candie will register you manually. You don’t have to register online.


Our Vimeo account is full of content from our December 2020 ‘Creative Climates’ virtual event. Watch on-demand to recap or catch up on anything you missed.

The showcase is private to event registrants. If you registered in December you’ll have been sent a password to access all of the videos. Can’t find it, email admin@acpme.ac.uk

Didn’t attend the ‘Creative Climates’ Virtual Event – you can still register to access the content using the form above.


Read more about Sheryl Mather and Peter Davey, both Highly-commended at the ACPME Covid-19 Special Awards in the ‘Best team member who went above and beyond during Covid-19’ category.
See what their university colleagues had to say.


It’s good to talk and great to see past members keeping in touch

You might recognise some of these faces. Ex-ACPME members who often get together in person, have met regularly via zoom during lockdown. 

It just goes to show what years of sharing expertise, time and conferences does. Good friends, not just colleagues – still united by our fantastic network. #ACPMEFamily.


Find out more

To discuss membership, sponsorship opportunities or annual conference please contact 
Jennie Mort, ACPME Administrator: 01527 893675 | admin@acpme.ac.uk
Contact address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB

Or feel free to contact members of our Board
Details here

The Association of Creative and Print Managers in Education, a not for profit private company, limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No. 10244428. Registered address: Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire B96 6HB